Friday, 29 June 2012

Performance Appraisal Definition

By definition, appraisal is a methodology to evaluate performance of an employee against certain parameters and award him accordingly.  But in reality it’s a curse for those hard working employees who don’t have good relationship with their bosses. To elaborate, if an employee works kind of OK but has good relations with his boss has bright chance of getting good appraisal. But if somebody is excellent at work but not so good in making relations may be on losing side in the end. To make it clear, the purpose of this blog is pure fun with no intention to hurt anybody.

I have a habit to elaborate things using examples. So let’s consider there are two employees X and Y who report to boss Z (Examples coming straight from Algebra). X is a hard working employee but weak with building relationship with his manager, or he doesn’t like to do so. Also he is not good in putting up what he has done. On the other hand Y is kind of employee who doesn’t work much but good in building relationships and he is extremely efficient in exaggerating his achievements even adding his name for what X has done.

X is a hard working employee and is working extra hours and weekends to get the job done.
Y is enjoying with the boss and working normally.

Before Appraisal

For X
Z never loses any opportunity to praise for X. He always have something to say good about him.

you are the backbone of the project.

        You are the best at that work, irreplaceable, etc.

For Y
Nothing much to say about Y. But continue to have good time with him.

They will have lot of time together

The have lot of fun together

They are seen together most of the time

During appraisal
For X
Now the time has changed. Person has changed as well. 
Z has hundreds of excuses for not giving X a good appraisal. He will leave X in no position but hopeless and sad.

He is left with nothing. He can only cry.

For Y
Again without any valid reason Y will get a good appraisal, may be a promotion as well.

 Y is very good in exaggeration at this time.

Y has good appraisal and a promotion.

After appraisal
X feels extremely demoralized. He finds it hard to cope with the situation.

He tries to forget what happened. Either starts looking for a change in job or keep working like that. It’s hard to change the character for anybody.


Y is happy with the appraisal and promotion.

Y is partying for few days to come.

Y is enjoying with the boss.

The irony is that every Y thinks that he is smarter than X. And X is nothing but a fool. 

I think you should remember that X, Y and Z are variables. 

I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Please post your comments.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

A day in the life of software engineer

A day in the life of software engineer

Well, TBH, I think all software engineers need a solid alarm to wake up in the morning. They just can't wake up early in the morning. There may be rare exceptions. A software engineer has a life of more or less like a robot. At a particular time in a day he may be seen doing the same activity.

In next few lines I would like to narrate a typical day in the life of software engineer. No
prizes for guessing that I am also a software engineer and that is why I know this from my
experience of several years. I hope you like that. It goes like below:

1. The alarm will start ringing at around 7:00 am. But nobody wakes up at the first alarm. He has to set recurring alarms otherwise he can be sure of getting late to office. At around 7:10
-7:15 he will get up.

2. The first activity that he will do is asking his roomies to wake up. If they don’t, he will not hesitate to use some cool words to wake them up. He will expect some return comments as well.

3. Now starts the fight to get ready. Most of the times, 4-5 people will be sharing the same facilities. So it wills a noisy morning for all of them.

4. They will be having a "bai" (housemaid) who will be taking care of the breakfast and rest of the
times they will have breakfast in office.

5. By 8:00am he has a catch a bus to the office. He may have several options that the last bus he can catch will come at 08:10-08:15. In most cases, he will catch the last bus. Obviously he has his roomies to blame for this.

6. He will reach office at around 09:00am. Clears the security check and enters his cubicle. He will wish the people who are already in. FYI, A cubicle is a place where a software engineer works. It’s kind of a cube which is cut into half with entry from one side.

7. He starts his laptop/desktop and as the first thing he checks his mails. He will have to attend a call to his onsite counterpart for the daily update. In this call he will also get an idea of the day's work. He should complete all this by 09:30 unless coordination among the attendees doesn’t take much time.

8. He will start pinging/sms-ing his friends/colleagues for the breakfast max by 09:30. And they will leave for the breakfast. It is a short break of around 30-45 minutes. The topics discussed in that meeting will be same most of the times. But they still do it.

9. Its 10:00. Some of them will make calls now. Those who had already finished their calls will start listing their day's work. It will take around 1 hr or so.

10. At around 11:00am, he needs to take a break for tea/coffee. The past one hour will make his head to ache. He needs a break of 15-20 minutes. It’s sutta (smoking) time as well.

11. It is the time to start with work. If it's regular work he will finish almost 40% in next 1-2 hours. But if it is little different, to figure out how to do the different part, he needs googling for 2 hours.

12. Around 1:00 pm, his friends will call him for lunch. He will not be able to figure out where the time went. Nevertheless, he will enjoy the lunch and then go for a short walk.  It will be 2:00 by then.

13. Between 2:00pm-2:45pm he will feel sleepy. Because he had a lunch which can make anybody sleep. He is still awake, that’s an achievement. But somehow he will manage to do some work as well.

14. It’s time for a break at 3:00pm. If he doesn't take this break be sure that he will sleep.
He might have taken few nips in between as well. He will go for a sutta as well.

15. At 3:15 he will start again and this time he will work really fast. Before starting again at this time, he might be thinking that he will be late for home today. But this work-break will be highly efficient. He will finish his work by 5:00pm. If there is any meeting then by 5:45 he will be free.  By meetings I mean somebody might be leaving for all or for onsite so a break deserves.

16. By 5:00pm he will start thinking about the pack up. They will start managing all things that they have done in the day. By 5:45 they will be ready to leave the office. Those who are on bench will leave by 5:00.

17. Its 5:45 now, he has to catch the bus at 6:00. He will rush towards the bus stop as he might not get a seat if he is late. Some of them might have other plans like gym, table tennis, etc. Those on bench will enjoy these in the daytime as well.

18. He will reach home by 7:00-7:15pm. It’s time to start gupshup (chitchat) about the hot topics in office. In the mean time they will get ready for the dinner.

19. After dinner, they might have different plans. Some of them will play computer games, some will chat over internet, and some will watch movies. In the days of appraisals all these activities will die and replaced by rigorous discussions. Company switch plans are generally made in these hours.

20. Around 11-12 most will try to go to bed. There is no time for guaranteed success. But with success it ends a typical day in IT engineer's life.

There are few things that are day specific like:
- On Mondays breakfast breaks are longer as they have memories of two days to discuss.
- On Monday night he might sleep early as he didn’t get chance to sleep enough over the weekend.
- Thursdays and Fridays are quite busy as they have to make plans for the weekend.
- Many of them will go for movies on Friday as they are busy on weekends.
- Friday will be the best time for him to go to pub or enjoy drinks at home.

If you want to distinguish between a developer and a support engineer, I have a trick to tell.
In any public meeting (like breakfast, lunch, sutta, etc), whoever is in rush is a support engineer. Developers nearing their go-live dates may well be exceptions.

There are hundreds of other activities as well. But I would leave some for others to add (as comments).

P.S. The purpose of this blog is only fun and humour. There is no intention to hurt any professional. Thanks for reading this post.

Wednesday, 27 June 2012

High School Days

High School Days

The schooling till high school is more of a fun that study. Only during high school days there starts the pressure from everybody around to perform. Even the teachers will tease you out in the name of board exams. In my opinion that is the first time when a student is put under such an intense pressure in his life. I had the same feeling in my high school.

Till high schooling I don’t remember I was ever asked to join any tuition or coaching. Life was 95% fun and 5% studying. Suddenly I had completed std. 8 without realization. The school from where i passed my 8th exams is the only public school in Valmiki Nagar (West Champaran, Bihar). I am not aware of the current situation as this information is from the year of 1996. Nevertheless, I was ready to join high school.

About the Town

Valmiki Nagar is a small town in the West Champaran district of Bihar. It was a very cool and calm place. It was situated on the bank of river Gandak. Valmiki Nagar is surrounded by a vast forest. The place is famous because Devi Sita(Goddess Sita) stayed there with Rishi Valmiki in that town. Also the place where Sita went inside earth is in there.
There is a dam build on Gandak river. Most of the people who stayed there were the employee of that project. The existence of that town was mostly because of that dam. Nepal border was a walking distance from the town. In fact I heard that half of the dam belongs to India and other half to Nepal. More than a 100s of times I went to Nepal for shopping as that was a bigger marketplace.

Schooling  life @ NGY High School

The high school which I was looking to join was adjacent to the high school. The name was Nadi Ghati Yojana High School. It was the only public high school in Valmiki Nagar. Many people told me that I should go to some good city school to have a quality education as it was not considered to be a good high school. But my dad supported me and asked to continue in the school.

Throughout my studying in 8th I used to watch high school students with a scary look. Only those people can understand this feeling who had a similar experience.

Well there are few things about Bihar board that they keep all the subjects in high school. They don’t divide streams in high school like arts, science, commerce, etc. To my understanding that makes this board a touch difficult for students. But you get used to things which you face all the time. Not to mention that I was studying all the subjects in my high school.

Rajkumar sir was standing headmaster of the school then. He also used to teach mathematics and physics. And believe me he was simply the best what he did. I remember Sunil sir used to teach us Advanced Mathematics(AM). AM was a optional subject in high school . Student had the option to select other course as well instead of AM. But I was always good in maths so it was my obvious choice.

Then the school was running short of teachers so most of the teachers used to teach more than one subjects in there. But I always liked the way the school managed with the scarcity.

There was a subject SUPW (Social Utility Productive Works). I can't complete this blog without mentioning this subject. This subject has theory as well as practical part. The practical part was exciting one. It used to come once in a week mostly in the afternoon session. There was a big ground which the school owned. We had to clean the ground as part of SUPW practical. So we used to sit in a straight line and get rid of all the big grass on the ground. I always wondered how the grass is growing so fast in that ground. May be nature was supporting the education. For every term exam we needed to give some completed product to the teachers. I remember nobody used to make anything rather purchase something from the market and submit.

As the school didn't have its boundaries covered. Students used to bunk in afternoon sessions. To avoid this, the school management had a very good plan. The teachers used to check the attendance once again in afternoon session. And whenever it happened all the students who had bunked would need to pay Rs. 5 for each bunk.

There was a teacher who used to teach us civics and history. Unfortunately, I can't recall his name. The funny thing about him was his way of teaching. He would ask one of the students to stand up and read the day's topic line by line for 5-10 minutes. And then he used to summarize what the student read. This way of teaching I had earlier faced in primary schooling. Most of students other than the "reader" used to sleep in his class for obvious reasons.

When you are studying in middle classes (6th-8th), senior students will always tease you asking “when you come to high school then you will realize what studying is", etc. Parents will never bother so much until you are in high school. During high school everybody (including parents, teachers, neighbours, all the relatives) will keep asking how is your study going, What grade/score you are targeting, etc. You will feel like you are the most talked about topic in all the discussions going around.

The only good thing that you feel in school is seniority. You get a serious sense of seniority to junior students. That feeling is very hard to get in other junior classes. People would come to you to seek assistance regarding study of their kids. And you can give all the high fundas to them. I really enjoyed it most of the times.

Well this is it for now. If I remember any other interesting incident I will post it again.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. Thanks for reading!!! Looking forward for your views on this.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

College and University Days

College and University
College days are the best days in anybody’s life. The reason being people are more mature in college and they know how to enjoy. Also they are aware of the fact that life will never be same again once out of college. I also have tons of similar memories. There can be no better relax than remembering those days and cherish them.

My Way to college
From my experience as well as others’ I think 10+2 is the toughest education period in people’s life. The reason being that its not just the time to focus on regular studies but prepare for future as well. Most of the students start to act towards their future in this only. I too did nothing different.

I started preparing for various Engineering Entrance Exams when I was in 11th. It took me 2 years of hard work to clear UPSEAT (Entrance Exam for engineering, now replaced by various other such exams). Although I couldn’t score very well but my score was enough to get a place in College of Engineering Roorkee (Then affiliated to Uttar Pradesh Technical University). I opted for Mechanical Engineering as my stream. I was very happy and feeling like being on top of the world.

I got admission to college in Aug 2000. And started going to college. It was real fun in the initial days itself. Seniors never missed any chance to make sure I have all the fun(:P). But the real fun starts when you are past a couple of months in the college. Then comes the period of thousands of unforgettable moments.

 Multipurpose Cafe COER

The days I miss the most
I was DaySchee (Day Scholar) in my college. FYI.. DaySchee was the term used for Day scholars, the students who commute to college everyday either from their homes or some rented accommodations in nearby city. I used to live at New Adarsh Nagar along with several other batch mates Ankit (CS), Kshitiz (IT), Taresh (IT), Sachin (ET), Anil (IT), Vishal (CS), Narendra (IT). In bracket are the streams in which they were studying. I miss all the days when I stayed in that house where we stayed for almost three and half years.

  • As our college was around 7 kms away from our house we needed to ride a bus to go to the college. The buses used to the heavily crowded. In initial days we used to sit inside the bus but after some days we changed that. We used to arrive late at the bus station and ride on the top of the bus. It was scary for a day or two. But later on it was fun. I miss riding on top of bus with my housemates.
  • I used to speak very slow(not in speed but pitch). Many times I was marked absent even after I had replied “yes sir” for lecturer’s call for my name. My classmates used to call me “Kauwa Kha” means eat crows.
  • There were hardly 5-6 students in the batch who used to complete tutorials and other tasks on time. I along with rest of 50 students used to copy their tuts(synonym for tutorial) in less than 15-20 minutes. We had amazing speed of copying. The same was true for practical notebook and projects as well. The time for copying was more though for the later ones.
  • Many of my classmates including me use to hate practical classes and few boring lectures. And we use to bunk those classes. My college has a big entry gate and it was impossible to go through it before 5pm once you are in the college.  So we had to go to the back of the college to cross the wall and jump into the fields which finally will lead us to the highway. Even that was not easy sometimes as college management decided to put some security person to stop such escapes. I miss those bunks.
  • On the journey back to house, we mostly used to ask for lifts from people who were travelling towards Roorkee in their Bikes, Scooters and Cars. That was not only free but a fast mode to commute.
  • In the second year of studies we used to play so many cricket matches against our seniors. I miss those matches. I remember we hardly use to lose those days against ours seniors at least.
  • I miss daddoo. He was an old man and we had him as our cook. And he didn’t like to be called as old man. He was exceptional not for his food but more for his character and livelihood.
  • We(housemates) used to fight over the bathroom in the morning. As there was only two toilets and fighters were 8. Nobody will get up early but want to use the facilities. I think all the doors were broken by the time we left the house. It was never intentional though.
  • I remember that all of us used to hide when the landlord was making a visit to house. Though one or two of us were his favorites. The escapes used to be marvelous.
  • There was a all stop shop who used to cater all our needs. He also used to give us things on credit. I miss Lala’s shop. We used to watch cricket matches in his shop as he was the only person who had a small tv and was known to us. We knew other people as well but they didn’t knew us.
  • Ankit and I used to go to IIT Roorkee every now and then to have a walk and malai kulfi. The kulfi tasted awesome.
  • We had organized an Badminton championship among 8 of us. There were few other Dayschees as well. It went for 5-6 weeks I reckon. It was a night tournament and to say the least it was one of best I have played.
  • There was a game of cards that we used to play like maniacs and it was 29. I remember playing that for so many nights and even in exam days.
  •  I miss you guys for that game. I have never played that game that extensively since then. Also we used to play Pinball and NFS2. Thanks to Kshitiz for providing his PC.

I would like to thank here Sharma uncle for providing us that house where we shared those moments.

Now when the life is a lot different, I miss you all. But I cherish those memories every now and then. 

Thursday, 21 June 2012

Pranayam: The way of Yoga Breathing

What is Pranayam?

Pranayam I believe are the easy but highly effective breathing exercises to keep us healthy and active.  Pranayam should be performed daily subjected to health conditions or  as advised by the doctors. Pranayam or in general any yoga should be performed under the guidance of skilled yoga teacher and after consultation with doctor.

When to perform Pranayam?

Pranayam can be performed in morning as well as in the evening. One should not eat anything at least for the last 4-5 hours. But I personally feel morning is the best time to practice yoga. Evening time should be adopted only when you don’t get enough time in morning.

In what postures Pranayam should be performed?

There are several postures in which you can practice yoga. You should maintain back, neck and head as much straight as possible. The ideal postures are Sukhasana and Padmasana. As suggested by Yoga Guru Ramdev if somebody is not able to sit in these aasanas, chairs can be used to sit straight. It’s not mandatory to perform all the seven Pranayam. Another important thing about Pranayam is that it shouldn't be performed if you feel dizzy or tired while performing. You should stop immediately as soon as you start feeling uncomfortable.

"OM" is the most powerful word in hinduism. Enchanting this word keeps flowing for divine energy into the mind and body and it makes the soul pure.

The method of practicing

I have added videos from YouTube to help you with how to practice Pranayam. These were the best videos I could search over the internet. They are in Hindi so I have tried to explain the steps below. I will still suggest performing these under the guidance of yoga teacher. There are few common breathing basics which should be kept in mind unless specified otherwise:
1.       Breathing in/out should be done through nose.  Mouth shouldn’t be used for inhale/exhale.
2.       The air should be hold in lungs only. Stomach shouldn’t be used for holding the air.
3.       Posture is very important. Without correct posture the Pranayam may be ineffective.

Bhastrika Pranayam

Place yourself in appropriate aasana.  Then take deep breaths and fill your lungs with air. Do remember the air should be filled in lungs only. It should not be filled in stomach. As there is nothing in stomach to process breathing air. Once done with breathing in exhale completely. There should not be any pause in the process. Keep relaxed throughout the process. Stop the practice when you feel tired, dizzy or uncomfortable. Start again after some time. This practice should be done for minimum of 2 minutes and maximum of 5 minutes.  The main purpose of this Pranayam is to clean your body from toxins. 

Kapalbhati Pranayam
This Pranayam is considered to be most effective body cleansing technique.  You should sit in the correct posture. And start exhaling with medium force. You shouldn’t concentrate on inhale that should be automatic. Just concentrate on exhale. Take a break when you feel  any uncomfortable. Repeat this for 15-30times. Then relax for a minute or so and start again. Initially it should be practiced for 1-2 minutes gradually increasing it to 5 minutes with maximum 10 minutes. This technique makes body impure of various toxins. It helps to keep stomach, lungs, mind and heart healthy. 

Anulom Viloma Pranayam

Anulom Vilom is extremely useful for high BP patients. It has so many other benefits as well. For this Pranayam technique you should sit in right posture. Close your right nostril with the right thumb. Put your first finger on the forehead and breathe in deeply through left nostril.  Then close the left nostril with the second and third finger and exhale through the right nostril. Now inhale through the right nostril and repeat the step. Take a break when you feel uncomfortable. Start again. Practice this for 5-10 minutes. The maximum time is 15 minutes. 

Bhramari Pranayam

Brahmari Pranayam is done for cleansing of mind. This is done to take all the thoughts out of mind and make the mind relax.  To do this, sit in the right posture.  Close both your ears with your thumbs. Put your first fingers on forehead. Place three fingers on around your eyes in such a way that second finger is covering the eye.  Apply gentle push on eye using the second finger.  Breathe deeply through your nostrils. Now exhale through your nostrils making sound like “Om”.  It should sound like honeybee. Practice this for 5-15 times. You will feel relaxed.

Udgeet Pranayam

Udgeet should be done in a very relaxing manner. Both inhale and exhale should be very smooth. Sit in proper aasana. Breathe in and say “OM”. It should be a prolonged one and should be continuing for time period of one exhale. Repeat this for 10-15 times. You will feel the divine energy flowing in. This is awesome.

Once all the pranayams are done. Sit and relax for some time.  Do Gentle breathing. And you are done.

There are enormous benefits when you practice Pranayam. These practices can never do any harm unless performed incorrectly.

P.S. Please perform Pranayam under the guidance of a skilled yoga teacher at least for first few days. A consultation with your doctor is advisable.

===== OM =====

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

A wonderful day on first job

I believe the first day at work is one of the most memorable days in one's life. Yesterday one of my Brother's very close friends Siddarth has started his career as Software Trainee. Somehow I started recollecting memories of my first day at work, Infosys Technologies Limited at Mysore.

Before I start, let me share my experience till the main door of the company. I am a mechanical engineer by education. IT has been really good in at least one perspective that it gives opportunity to Non-IT background graduates/post-graduates as well to be a software engineer. I am one of those. Infosys gave me a chance to be a software engineer through Off-Campus selection process. I definitely owe a lot of respect to the company for this.

I received the joining letter from the company within few days. And I reckon it was 21st of Nov 2005 when I was asked to join which allowed me to have few days to enjoy with Family before I become a different man. Before I could realise, it was already 19th of November.

I left from my home at Kannauj on 19th. I had asked one of my classmates, Sushil Kumar, to make reservation for me from Delhi to Yashwantpur (a station in Bengaluru). The train Sampark Kranti is one of the fastest in the business but still the journey took almost 40hrs. It appeared like I had been travelling for ages. I took a bus from Bengaluru(formerly known as Banglore) to Mysore and then an auto rickshaw to reach Infosys Mysore. It was the evening of 20th Nov.

As soon as I got out of the auto rickshaw, the first word that came to my mind looking at the campus was "wow". Till that day in my life I had never thought that I will get to work for a company with such a marvellous campus. I wasted no time in considering myself a genius for getting an opportunity to work for Infy (P.S. Infy and Infoscion are the synonym for the company and her employees).

Infy provides golf carts to commute the trainees from the main reception to the residence of their trainees. It was again a very good experience. In fact for the first time in my life I rode a Golf Cart. I reached my room and again I was not disappointed looking at the room. It was best in class to say the least. I had to share the room with Akash, who still is one of my best friends. We, all the trainees, had a session to attend on the same night before we start on the very next day. We were all told about trainings etc. etc.

I woke up early on the first day because of all the excitement. I got ready within some time.  I reckon wearing a black pant and white shirt with a nice looking tie, can't recollect which tie it was. I left for the breakfast. Even Mysore in southern India but there was north Indian breakfast available in all the food courts (synonym for canteen in Infy). I had Aloo Paratha with yoghurt (curd) and pickle.

As it was quite a big campus I had to take one bicycle from food court to the office. It took as much as 10 minutes to reach there. I parked the bicycle and was heading towards the meeting room where all of the new joiners were asked to reach at sharp 9:00am. Now I was all set to face the "First Day" in IT career.

The meeting room was a big one with a capacity to seat 400 people at one time. There were desktops in front of each seat. There were induction documents, one notepad and a set of black/white pens. We were told it will be more or less an induction session only for the day and training classes will start from next day onwards for almost 4 months.

There was a video song played on a big screen titled "This is my Infy". It was such a good feeling to hear that song on the first day. I think it's a good idea to have such thing for new joiners for any company. This makes to feel a sense of pride to work for the company. In the lunch time there was a session for opening of bank accounts with various banks like ICICI, HSBC etc. The induction session continued for the day long. It was equally interesting throughout the day.

The day ended with converting a few colleagues into friends with whom I am still in touch with. I remember to have a good sleep on that night after so many sleepless nights. That was definitely one of the most significant days of my life. Through this blog I really want to thank all those people making that day so important.

P.S. It has never been my intension to hurt any person or institution through my blogs.

Sunday, 17 June 2012

10 problems in Education System in India

Before I start, to make the things clear I don’t want to criticize the education that is being provided but just want to share the problem that lies within the education system. If somebody starts listing there might be thousands of underlying problems what I would like to suggest the top 10 problems that are hurting students more.  There is no particular order for these problems.

Lack of Infrastructure

Considering today’s scenario, I would like to say that we are not lacking quantity wise as far as educations institutions are concerned. I can see almost every village has got schools, every town has colleges for graduation and post graduation. Even there are engineering and medical colleges every here and there.  But most of them are lacking in quality. Faculty wise most of them are quite good, but when it comes to infrastructure they lag behind by a far.  I have studied in schools where there is not enough equipment in labs, no playground for students, no computer education especially in state owned schools/colleges. It results in students who get good scores/marks while they are weak in practical knowledge. Many students are physically very weak.
An ideal school/college is which can bring out an all around development in their students. Schools/Colleges without enough facilities should not be granted permission to operate.

Separate State and Central education systems

I never did understand why there are so many boards in one country. Do we really need so many education boards in one country?  Is it impossible to provide same education to all the students in the country?
I have seen many students struggling in their Engineering and Medical studies. The main reason being they studied in state board which provided them education in Hindi or other regional language. Some of those students can make their way but many would face problem because of the medium. Many a times it is seen that syllabus are different as well for various boards. That is again a major issue.
I would love to see one single board of education in India.

Reservation for money not for breed

I am in favor of reservation but that should be in terms of money. Those who are not able to sponsor their kids for any education because of lack of money deserve not only the reservation but the monetary assistance as well. By doing this not only “Right to Education” will seem more appropriate but we will  be a better nation. But just because of the personal gains, politicians have failed miserably in this regard.
I would love to see the right form of reservation in India someday.

Produce employees not employers 

For this problem I think the main cause is theory based education, where students only get complete picture only in ideas. They just don’t get innovative ideas from their education. They just keep concentrating on their Grades/Marks/CGPAs throughout their studies, which is again making them future employees.

Unable to attract the right talent

Recently educational institutions have been seen failing to attract good talent. This is also causing decline in the quality of education. It may be because various other opportunities are offering them a tempting career. There needs to be done something about it. It’s the teachers who will create citizens of tomorrow.

Faculty Training Inadequate

Many of the teachers are technically qualified but lack in actual delivery. I have seen various teachers and lecturers in my studies who were technically efficient but in classes didn’t deliver that efficiently. If you go to them for a problem or advice they were perfect. So I believe when a teacher or lecturer is selected, he/she should be trained to be a teacher.  Training would definitely help them out.
For Engineering and Medical colleges I would definitely recommend to have qualified technically as well as practically.

Grading System

I am always in favor of grading system than marks.  The reason being that it just not only reduces the pressure on the students to score but gives them opportunity to learn things rather eat them. This will give them enough room to get practical knowledge. I also think the proportion of practical should be increased in secondary and higher secondary education.

Score Based Admission Only

I don’t like those colleges/schools where admissions are strictly on the basis of marks/grades aggregated by the students. It should always be Grades, entrance tests, extra-Curricular activities and exceptional achievements.
That will ensure that there is right blend of students in a batch. And they will be influenced by other students’ talents.

Computer Education

This is not a problem for most of the CBSE affiliated schools/colleges. But many of the state owned institutes are lagging on this front especially secondary and higher secondary students are most affected. It is information age and nobody should be deprived of this. There must be something done about it.

Rise in cost of Education

The cost of education is on a rise. Every year the cost is going beyond the reach of many people. Quality education is coming at a price which is not right. Everybody has the right to have the best possible education.

In spite of all these drawbacks we are still able to deliver people who are best in their business. We are the most sought after talent in the world. So I am proud to have the studies as part of that system. But there is always a chance of improvement.

P.S.  These are my personal opinions only. It has never been my intension to hurt any person or institution.

Friday, 15 June 2012

Keep Fit and Healthy with Water Therapy

Water Therapy (‘Jal Chikitsa’ in Hindi)  is one of the best solution to most of the major illnesses known. To say the least it not helps in just prevention of diseases but provides cure to major diseases even like Cancer, Diabetes, Asthma, etc.  And the best thing about this therapy is that its free of cost. The only thing we need is access to fresh and clean water. The results of this therapy are mind boggling.  And it’s definitely one of those things for which you can say “You never realize unless you try”.

Historical Importance:
Water Therapy has been used in India and Japan for long times. In India it has been performed by Rishis(Monks) and General public since ages.  In fact it’s considered to be performed before starting Yoga.  In Japan also this therapy is in use for very long time. It is recognized as one of best prevention and cure of diseases in both the countries and is performed by many of their citizens even now. However now-a-days it is being consumed by huge number of people across the world. It’s been proved by science as well that this therapy can do miracle to your health.

What is Water Therapy? When to do Water Therapy? How to do Water Therapy?
Water therapy is no rocket science. It’s nothing but drinking water early in the morning. This should be done as the first thing in the morning as soon as you wake up. Literally you should not do anything. The amount of water that should be drunk is 1.25-1.50litres (1250-1500cc). I would recommend to try this in step-by-step manner. As in you can start with 750cc at first. Continue with that for 2-3 days and then increase it gradually to make it 1250-1500cc. It should be alright if you take this amount in breaks. But try to drink the total amount within 5 minutes.
Once you have drunk water, you should wash your face, eyes, brush your teeth. But remember don’t drink or eat anything for next 45-60 minutes. The water will come out in the form of urine in some time. You may need to visit the toilet several times but its normal. You will get used to this in few days time. If you have consumed any form of alcohol the previous night, it’s better to avoid it next day.
Once you have completed that 60 minutes after water therapy, you can eat breakfast and carry on with your daily routine.

What Diseases that will be cured or can be prevented
Well to be honest this list will be endless. I think most of the known diseases can be cured by this therapy. But to list down a few
o   Headache, Body ache
o   Cardiovascular diseases
o   Eye diseases and disorders
o   Diabetes
o   Ear nose mouth diseases
o   Weight loss/gain
o   Asthma
I don’t want to make this list use much space here.  But I tell you it can cure many more.  In few days to months time I believe everybody should see some positive changes in his/her health.